See the story of Jennifer and Mitko Katsevi. This week in the “Nothing Personal” column, Krasi Boev meets Jennifer and Mitko Katsevi, who met on the Internet, got married and then returned home to take care of the newlywed’s family apiary. Krasi Boev went to visit them to tell us this interesting story, to see […]
Jennifer and Mitko Katsevi continue to develop their family beekeeping tradition with new ideas and a self-service store! The topic in brief: Jennifer and Mitko Katsevi continue the family beekeeping tradition, and add new elements Apart from their website, their products are sold in a self-service store in Plovdiv Their plans are for a second […]
Jen and Mitko are a Bulgarian-American family. Mitko has a successful career in Silicon Valley in the United States, where he meets Jen (an American of Chinese descent), who is also going boldly up her career. However, they decide to get married here and receive the family apiary as a wedding gift, which totally changes […]
In the “Screenwriters’ Show” hosted by Ivaylo Valchev, Dragomir Petrov, Alexander Valchev and Filip Stanev you can see the visit of Mitko Katsev and Jen Katseva, who talk about why they choose life in Bulgaria over the US and how they want to make Bulgarian honey world famous. Watch here
The series “21 reasons” presents heroes who change Bulgaria. One year, 5,000 km, 600 hours of work – this is the balance sheet for Daniel Bogdanski and Jani Slavkova, who told 21 stories about Bulgarians as an example. “The American dream is here!” This is stated very emphatically by some of the characters in the […]
Hello friends! We are very happy to present the first episode of the video series “21 Reasons”. The first video tells the story of two young entrepreneurs. His name is Dimitar Katsev and she is Jennifer Katsev. The Katsevi family decided to abandon the settled life in the United States and come to Bulgaria to […]
Дълъг ли е пътят от Силициевата долина в САЩ до Розовата долина в България? Какво мотивира младо семейство IT-специалисти да се занимава с пчеларство и какви са предизвикателствата да менажираш този бизнес у нас? Отговорите – от семейство Митко и Дженифър Кацеви. Той е българин, тя – американка и заедно отглеждат кошери в района на […]
Listen to the podcast here България потъващ кораб ли е? Митко и Джен, сезон 2, епизод 1 Бодри. Весели. Готови за подвизи. Започваме с краткия отговор на Митко, предприемач, завърнал се в България. България потъващ кораб ли е? Митко: Краткият отговор е: „Според нас, не!“ Митко е женен за американката Джен. Двамата са бизнес партньори […]