Ordering Information

Here you will find details on how to place your order, our refund policy, and additional information. We also invite you to check out our Shipping InfoFAQs, and Terms of Service.

Ordering Instructions

  1. Click “Add to Cart” in any item’s order box. The selected item will be added to your “Shopping Cart”. Note that you may need to select a size or type before you can add an item to your cart.
  2. When you are done shopping, you can click on the “Shopping Cart” button in the top right corner, which will open secure window with your shopping cart. Here you may update quantities, apply a coupon code, and estimate shipping charges. If you’d like to continue shopping, feel free to do so. Whenever you’re ready, proceed to checkout.
  3. Enter your billing and, if different, your delivery information. Note that there is a box to check towards the bottom of the page if you would like your order delivered to a different address, and a field in which to enter any special order notes. Shipping charges will automatically be added to your order. Delivery is free for all orders over €50!
  4. Review your order. You may enter your credit card information here. Or, if you prefer to pay via PayPal or Stripe, you may proceed to PayPal or Stripe and follow the related instructions. Payment via credit card, PayPal, or Stripe is fast, easy, and SSL secured (128 Bit). In some cases we are also able to accept bank payments (this option depends on the country you are making the order from).
  5. Click the “Pay Now” button.
  6. When your order has been completed, you will arrive at a confirmation page with an order number at the top for reference. You will also receive an email confirmation.

Delivery Issues

Please take care when entering your delivery address, and ensure that someone is available to receive your order or that there is a safe and secure location for deliveries. Unfortunately, we cannot re-deliver orders after they have been shipped to an address as entered.